These past few days have felt hectic, pushing out event invites and sponsorship requests. Sitting at a desk for three hours a day writing is difficult; you have to trust yourself to do the work. This week has been about the trust other people are placing in me.
Do I say what I mean?
Do I do what I say I will do?
Do I stand up for the things I believe in, even if, especially when others don’t agree?
Building an audience might not be nearly as useful in the long run as building trust in yourself and others.
We don’t always mean what we say.
“I’ll be with you, now, in a minute.”
Today, I saw a job advert for a Coaching and Leadership Development Manager. I looked it up; it’s common business parlance. Maybe it’s just me.
Show us where you want us to go or manage our expectations; just don’t tell me now, in a minute.
Best Year Ever!

What if making a plan for the best year ever was not the point? After all, we make plans, and god laughs. So, why plan?
As a family, we thought it worth the ask.
For reference, our headings are:
- Financial
- Family
- Health
- Business
- Fun/Adventure
- Contribution
Each of us wrote whatever we wanted under each heading.
Then, we used generative questions (you can see them scattered across the sheet) that the kids researched and a separate piece of paper to find links and themes between the headings. Out of that fell a plan.
You are probably already there, but it’s not actually about hoping for, wishing for, or planning the best year ever—the surface details don’t matter as much as the chance to connect to each other’s thinking, connect ideas, and learn to listen to each other. It’s a metaphor for learning to collaborate—and in turn, if we do that, just maybe, we will have the best year ever.
Where do you place your attention?
Five years from now, will you be paying attention to the same things you focus on now in your coaching practice? I doubt it.
What are you paying attention to NOW? Does it help you become the coach that you want to be? And if not, what will?
In The Squat Garden (Sat 5th April or Sun 6th April) is a discovery workshop for coaches who are ready to talk about where they would like to take their coaching. Where you direct your attention matters – where you look is where you go.
I hope to see you there.
Hard days are coming
It’s hard not to get frustrated when the tech doesn’t work, when things get in your way, and nothing seems to get done.
The alternative?
Know that the thing you are trying to get across the line might not be what makes your life any better – that could be relationships, your health, and happiness.
Take the reminder and run.
It depends
Getting clear on what it depends on is important.
Whatever you think it is that is holding you back, it’s worth testing.
Think it’s distribution? Join a cooperative. Think it’s time? Throw everything off your desk and start again with the most important thing. Whatever it is, “it depends” is just the start of it, not the answer.
Back for more
If you are a coach who keeps going back to do the same thing – the same session, the same workshop, the same message – are you greasing the groove or wearing a groove?
In my physical training, I return not to the same spot, but often to do the same thing. I pay attention to what’s happening, and how I am that day, subtly playing with how I do things.
I’m back for more, just not the same.
Before you start a fire
You need to chop the wood.
Hiding out to practice a thing you care about – woodshedding.
Figure out what you think can contribute and bring it forward.
It’s been over 25 Years since DJ Shadow released Endtroducing; the act of finishing one thing and then starting another.
Today is a great day to go chop some wood
Waiting for the penny to drop

The more coins you put into a coin pusher the more likely it is that the penny will drop? Only, we don’t know the cost of waiting. Is the return going to be worth the investment?
If, like me, your desk reminds you of a coin pusher today, it’s worth asking:
What am I waiting for?
Prompts provide encouragement to say something. Well-designed they can help people to see where they are with a concept.
“I see myself as someone who…?”
“I see myself as someone who creates books, resources, and experiences that inform. Through this process, I learn about myself and where I fit in the world, and in doing so, others may also learn a little more about themselves and their place in it.”
Your turn.
A place to go
Where do you go to practice?
Do you have a place where right and wrong are less important than showing up?
A place where people would notice if you weren’t there next week?
If not, it might be worth building one, don’t you think?
The power of suggestion
Here are two different ways to instruct the overhead squat:
External cue – placing a focus outside of the body.
- Find your ‘Y: Experiment with your grip width.
- Maintain a vertical torso
- Keep the pole directly above your mid-foot as you squat
- Descend as if you’re lowering yourself into a box
Now for internal cues – placing a focus on the body and how it feels.
- Feel the connection between your feet and the ground
- Engage your core as if bracing for a punch
- Sense the engagement of your lats supporting the pole
- Imagine your body as a single, integrated unit moving smoothly
What you pay attention to matters, language matters, and above all, what you do matters.
Who wants it more?
If you want it more than the person you are coaching, that’s a problem. It’s a problem because they can’t see what you can see, and no matter how hard you try, that won’t change. What is likely to change is the relationship.
Frustration, disappointment, and resistance all fuel the fire.
Consider youth sports; Long-Term Athletic Development developed by adults for children.
If you want it more than the person you are coaching, that says more about you than it does about them.
If you don’t who will?
Hang around with writers for long enough and you will see the temptation to please the editor, the reader, or your parents is real.
I’ve noticed that as I develop copy for my book or a workshop, what changes is my commitment to the idea. What I need to say is emerging—the idea behind the action. The act of writing leaves everything else behind, including my worries and concerns about the idea.
Write for whoever you want, just don’t waste the chance to learn what you really think.
Not all failures are created equally
“Fail fast, fail often” is a fine idea when iteration is the focus.
However, it’s worth considering the asymmetry of risk for a moment. The upside of iteration may well be clear, but if the downsides are not reversible – much like jumping out of a plane without a parachute – it only needs to happen once.
What a waste of time
Could you afford to “lose” an hour a day to learn a new skill? Maybe.
But, could you afford to “lose” an hour a day to a skill where you’re unsure if you are getting any better? Probably not.
Without grades, or rewards, we aren’t all going to be this brilliant – but we are going to change if we continue to face forward, and leave the past behind.
Embracing loss is a competitive advantage. Because we are hard-wired to avoid it, doing so gives you a unique edge in whatever you choose to do.
What are you going to “waste” your time on?
Let me entertain you
I have two options, A or B, for the content I have created.
Option A: I give people the content, tell them how I made it, and have them talk about how they might use it for themselves – “Tell me what to do, and I might do it.”
Option B: I give people an experience, have them pull it apart, and then rebuild it the way they want to use it. The content I have used to create the experience may or may not be discovered based on what the participant is paying attention to – “I notice”, “I wonder,” and “What if.”
Two questions to help you decide:
What experience do you want to create for yourself?
Who do you seek to serve?
Figure that out, and the rest follows.
What if you don’t have an example worth copying?
What then?
You could act like you do?
You could wait until you do.
Or, you could embrace that you don’t -not because that lets you off the hook (although it could) – but because then you can put away the pedestal and work from the ground up.
Avoiding loses
Loss is unavoidable. We avoid it the best we can, yet, loss as Hugh McLoed points out is upstream from change.
If you want to create change, learning to take a little loss, might just be a skill worth having.
What’s the subject?
“What do you want to talk about?” “What’s on your mind?” These are great questions when you begin a coaching session.
Of course, if you are a sports coach, focused on performance it’s less about finding the subject and more about working your way through one: “I’ve built this session, I think we can do better.”
Both are based on horizontal relationships, side to side not one above the other – the only difference is the subject.
Sports coaches find the subject that your players can tune into, and you will find your performance.
Entry fee
Usually paid in advance, often acts as a barrier, and always a signal – how to price your work is a tricky subject for many freelancers.
Price to build a reputation, to do it again, or never have to do it again. Free, and it could be for anyone. Expensive, and your name might not be on the list.
You could define enough and in defining enough, be secure enough to defer your payment until you demonstrate that you can create enough value for everyone.
How to market yourself
The best way to market what you do is to do it again tomorrow.
If you are an author, write another book.
If you are a podcaster, produce another episode.
People will find you – keep doing the things that you want to be known for.
Everything else can wait for your spare time because those are the things you don’t want to be known for.
“Make every day your masterpiece” – John Wooden
Today you don’t have to accept what you chose to ignore yesterday.
Today you can take it one person at a time, one moment at a time.
Today doesn’t have to be the same as yesterday.
Changing sense
Making sense is not the same as sense-making. If it made sense, you would probably already be doing it. If you are not [doing it] try making sense of that.
Acting “As if”
Doing it as if your life depends on it is hard to imagine, but acting as if you are a major publisher whilst self-publishing is possible.
Putting yourself where you want to go helps you see what you need to do to get there.
What will you do differently?
Acceptance is powerful
You could get an MBA in leadership from a fancy college and learn all the tools and strategies of a modern leader. Nothing wrong with that. Perhaps, that has meaning to you.
What about sharing where you are with leadership currently? How would that make you feel -scared?
Acceptance of where you are now is courageous, and that’s not a bad place to lead yourself -and then others from.
Seeing things differently
Yesterday I shipped a piece on coach development.
Shipping your work can feel like an expensive firework -it seems a shame to let it off. All that hard work, the initial excitement and then it fizzles out. Everyone moves on.
But, that might be missing the point.
What does seeing things differently allow you to build?
Isn’t that the point?
Coach Development: Who owns the task?
Who owns the task of coach development? Is it possible that no one owns coach development? Perhaps, the various agencies, organisations, and actors all own a stake.
We can better understand who owns coach development by examining who benefits from it.
There are lots of people who benefit from the coach development industrial complex. So, here’s another question that will bring some clarity. Who pays the price if the outcome of our coach development efforts is poor?
The owner bears both the upside and the downside. To understand why, watch the difference in the behaviour of a founder and a business expense account holder. One has skin in the game, and the other is playing the game.
There can be only one answer: the coach – the only person with skin in the game. The rest are players.
Of course, there are risks involved in playing the game. You might lose, or it might not work. This explains why some coaches are happy for others to play the game for them. The game is not for everyone.
Here are some principles to distinguish coach development, where coaches ultimately own their growth, from mentoring or coach education, where other factors may play a more dominant role:
Build horizontal relationships: If you believe your role is to “develop” another coach then you have placed yourself above the other person – that’s a vertical relationship. The coach sits beneath you.
Far better that a coach learns to believe in what they are doing than believe that you know what you are doing. It’s a lot less risky and far less disappointing.
Coach the person, not the problem. This is coach development, not ER, we have the time to shift the focus from the problem to the person.
Is it a real problem or the first problem? Help reconnect them to emergent realities (information, goals, emotions, intentions.) “What is ready to happen now?”
Focus on commitment, not success. I wrote the Good Coach Bad Coach Manifesto because I wanted to give myself a yardstick by which to measure my performance. the question I was trying to answer: “Under what conditions was I a bad coach or a good coach?” Pretty black and white.
How about when I was 78% good and 22% bad? When did that happen? Worse still, I let someone else make my mind up for me.
If you believe in the process, look for commitment, not success. What are you committed to? What do you stand for?
The coach is responsible for what they care about. Agendas are helpful for meetings, and curriculums provide frameworks in education, but in coach development – find the energy. The alternative is to play along and end up in places we don’t belong.
The question isn’t “How do we create a better coach development strategy?” but it could be: “How do we help coaches build authority, influence, and status?” or “How do we help coaches build their practice?” or “How do we help coaches find their Elvis?”
Don’t try to herd cats, build trust. Creative tension describes the gap between where you are and where you would like to be. Why anyone would want to try to herd cats from one place to another is beyond me; perhaps it’s easier than saying “No one is listening to me!” When you are talking about people though, it’s about the relationship and more specifically the role you play in that relationship.
Show don’t tell. Here are two examples of horizontal, ownership-based approaches to coach development that focus on creating the conditions in which relationships flourish:
Accept the Offer. I created Coach Camp using the prompt “Here’s what I am working on now.” When a coach says “Here’s what I’m working on now,” they’re inviting collaboration on their terms. They own both the challenge and the direction. The response isn’t to fix or teach but to join them in their exploration. This maintains their ownership while creating space for genuine co-learning.
If you want a quick fix, Coach Camp is not it, it’s slow but important work building trust. I can tell you that if you apply the same thinking that comes with low trust, high control environments, and start head counting – Coach Camp is not for you.
Make an Offer. Show up with something you have built – Here’s what I have built, I think we can do better.” Could be a coaching practice session, an experience, or just about anything that you are willing to see broken down.
Prof Matthias Lochmann, the German academic credited with reshaping youth football in Germany, wanted to develop his ideas. He showed up with hand clickers – the type that door security uses. All the coaches had to do was count how many times individual players touched the ball during different session designs. Was one session better than the other?
I can’t think of a better place to end – an invitation to build together, not a presentation of a finished solution. I’ll leave you with this: You don’t have to own coach development to play your part. Just know your role.
Biased for action
Why lead a horse to water if it’s not going to drink?
Find the people who have done it before and are willing to do it again. That’s it.
What seperates you from us?
How many handshakes will it take before I learn about what you do? Six handshakes and I get to hear about Kevin Bacon, but I’ll be honest, I have no idea what he’s up to. So, you better make it less than six.
What connects you to your next customer?
The Ames Window
A reminder that seeing things differently opens up a world of possibilities. The world doesn’t need to be perfect or ideal. When you can see things from a new perspective, it gives you hope that change is possible.
Rhythm, showing up on time, every time you say you will might just be as important as being right. When trust, reputation, and empathy are at stake, rhythm could be the difference maker. Without rhythm, you ain’t getting to the beat.
What do you see?
“Give a man a reputation as an early riser, and he can sleep ’til noon.” — Mark Twain.
Reputation goes before us, changing how we see things – and that’s worth challenging.
Perhaps, a more useful question is: What do you think you see?
Whose task is it?
Is it your task as a coach to ensure everyone enjoys your session?
What about skill development is that your task as a coach too?
How about offering solutions to problems?
Participation in youth sports – is that the parent’s task?
If you want to know who owns the task ask: Who benefits?
Something new and interesting is happening and I’m curious:
“My Daily” is a worksheet in Google Drive, a place where I can go to noodle, develop my ideas, and reconnect to my strategy with no judgment.
Only when the idea has developed do I put the content where it needs to go – that’s when I decide.
It’s a way of carrying my strategy, personal statements, and threads forward in one place.
To be continued.
Falling in love
Are you falling in love with the person or the feeling of being in love?
Do you love the product you’re creating or the process itself?
Will your book be best in class, or do you love the act of creating – the space and freedom it gives you?
What are you falling in love with?
A hero of mine
Happy New Year. We are on the out of the long nights – hope springs eternal. I’ve yet to see an Easter egg, but it won’t be long.
Chasing The Sun is a lovely film if you like bikes, long days, and giving yourself the time to do something just because. “I wonder how far I can go on my bike in a day?” wondered Olly Moore, the founder of the Chasing The Sun Race. Aside from a feel-good factor, and lots of stories about how people use bikes in their everyday lives, there is something else about this film that I love.
Yes, Olly is curious, and idealist, but more than that he was chasing the sun whether you liked it or not. In the third year of trying to get from one end of the country to the other, no one went with Olly. Not one of his mates, was interested, bothered, not one bit.
Fast forward a few years and now hundreds, if not thousands, of people take part in Chasing the Sun events throughout the UK, Italy, and Ireland. The event raises a stack of money for charity, people push themselves further than they have gone before, and they do it with people they have only just met.
Olly Moore is my hero – go chase the sun this year. You might not catch it, but who gives a shit – it’s yours to chase.
Made it
A sure sign that you think you’ve “made it” is when you stop making stuff. No need for action, prototypes, or an appetite risk – you’ve made it. Or so you think.
Just asking questions
I’ve learned that JAQing is a thing. Turns out it’s been around for a while. I never did quite understand why Socratic questions included “Questioning the question.” I do now.
What would make this question worth asking in the first place?
Failing that, the rule of two feet works every time.
Is anyone listening?
Nothing drains energy away from a coach quicker than the realisation that no one is listening. The changing room is lost and compliance is at an all-time low. What to do?
Asking “How do I get people to listen?” is reasonable if the task is to get people to listen. But is that really the task of the coach? Or is it a consequence of other actions?
If the assumption is that people should care what you have to say since you are the coach and it’s not working, then flip the thinking. They don’t care what we have to say.
What changes?
Private Victories
The work that goes unnoticed.
The run that’s not on Starva.
The picture that’s not on socials.
Working without the need for applause might just be the work that delivers you a year worthy of a round of applause.
Chasing the sun
Here in the Northern Hemisphere, as we close out on another lap around the sun, the winter solstice signals the start of longer days.
While we can’t all chase the sun, we can all work toward something bigger than ourselves.
Here’s to 2025.
Time wasted
Some of my favourite time-wasting barbs:
“You have too much time on your hands” – when you refuse to look busy.
“You are wasting your time” – when the value of the task is unclear to the observer, at least.
“It’s your time you are wasting, not mine” – when appearing to be “out of control.”
No one has more time than anyone else, we all have 24 hours a day. How you spend it is up to you.
Stealing the struggle
The Grinch thought stealing presents and decorations from the people of Whoville would steal Christmas itself.
In the struggle that followed, the Whos of Whoville demonstrated the true meaning of Christmas.
By providing solutions to people’s problems we steal their struggle; while that might be lucrative, it’s unlikely to teach us very much at all.
And the Grinch? Well, he found a new perspective. His learning came from watching how others handled their loss – their struggle.
Steal the struggle and it might just be your loss as much as it is theirs.
The burden of proof
When facilitating or coaching the burden of proof weighs heavy. It shouldn’t, since you have nothing to prove – the outcome is out of your control. Yet, there it is: Does what I am doing work?
Your job is not to do the work but to create an environment in which great work can be done. The burden of proof, therefore, lies not in the success of the project but in your ability to trust the process.
Bridging the gap
You might want to help people, produce a product or a service, and maybe make some money – whatever it is, between here and there sits a gap.
What does the customer want?
What do you think the customer needs?
Both are great questions and part of the process of customer clairvoyance before making an offer. There are also some logistical questions that any project needs to address.
But perhaps the question worth asking as a freelancer has nothing to do with the product, service, or even money made and everything to do with you;
Who is it that you are trying to bring forward?
Understand the person; understand the project.
What’s that got to do with it?
It’s hard to ask such a question without sounding confrontational. But the alternative is to fall for the Green Lumber fallacy.
The Green Lumber Fallacy goes like this: There once was a guy who knew everything there was to know about freshly cut lumber, yet when it came to trading it, he lost a million pounds. It made no sense because he knew another trader who was making millions. To make matters worse, the successful trader thought it was called “Green Lumber” because someone had painted it green.
There are plenty of proxy measures for performance, but in this example, trading, there is only one measure that matters and that’s money made – something our expert knew nothing about.
Applying what you think you know might be risky, but it could be worse, you could remain an expert.
Build it and they will come
Perhaps a more interesting approach is to find someone who can introduce their people to an idea and have those interested help build it.
I’d like to thank those who have shown up to help build Coach Camp into what it is today.
Participation Theatre
If you aren’t co-creating, you might be taking part in participation theatre.
If more is going on backstage than in front of the curtain – the scope, budget, and key decisions of a project are a done deal – it’s participation theatre.
One is a polished performance, and the other is messy in the middle.
It might be time to put down the camera, pull back the curtain, and ignore the viewing figures.
Messy middle
Co-creation sounds like a great idea. Free-flowing ideas, an emergent and unpredictable endpoint. What’s not to love?
A messy middle – when things are not clear since no one can predict the finish.
Here are a few things I’ve noticed:
Avoid setting timelines until you know what can be delivered and when. If you are in a rush, now is not the time.
If it feels like you are in a hierarchy you most probably are. Check that terms and conditions are not the way. The word, co-creation, for example.
Avoid groups that already have an end in mind. What’s actually happening then is people are messing about in the middle – that’s different.
Learn to make an offer instead. Try: “I’ve built this, I think we can do better.”
If you are ready to invest in your idea, and then have others break it down, then you are ready to co-create. Worry less about your idea and more about the conditions in which to do your best work.
If not, you are probably just messing about in the middle.
Do you know what you are doing?
We know it’s easier to see the mistakes of others than it is to see our own and that’s not helpful when it comes to the question: Do you know what you are doing? Compared to you, I might be foolish enough to think I do.
Proxy measures don’t help either: You win more, you earn more; you must be getting better.
I’ll leave you with a question not from HR, but from a place of curiosity: How do you know you are getting better at what you do?
Shouting at other people’s kids
I break my own rules all the time – one of them is coaching my kids.
Grassroots coaches are in the majority, and nearly all stick around in their sport only as long as their kids do. We might talk about community, knowledge sharing, and the love of the game, but nothing it seems, is as strong as your kid playing on the weekend. When your kid quits, or moves on, your reason to coach goes too.
Yesterday, my kids were not at football; they were at Grannies. I stood on the sidelines shouting at other people’s kids. Mostly, about shapes and spaces, but you get the idea.
I used Uno cards in an experiment to decide who played and who didn’t. I stood on the side of the pitch and talked to the kids who weren’t playing about what they could see on the pitch, what they were going to do, and how they were going to do it.
But, more than anything, I wondered what grassroots sports would be like if coaches wanted to be there more than they wanted their kids to be on the team.
Competitive Advantage
Who in their right mind puts on an event if they are not an expert in their field? There you go, play with that idea, and you will likely find your competitive advantage.
I’ll give you a clue.
Who is your event for?
The organiser to make money
The speaker to sell their services
Or, and this is rarely the case: The attendee.
Lead with your intention
Leading with your intention might well mean that fewer people show up to your events, take your call, or, engage with your thinking.
Leading questions or leading with questions, the difference is permission.
Strategy vs Plan
If you want someone to improve their skipping, you might have a plan.
But, if you are less interested in how well they skip and more interested in the conditions under which you work, you have a strategy.
If the answer is
If coaches want agency, meaning, and belonging then I’m willing to bet the question isn’t “How do we create a better coach education strategy?”
It could be:
How do we help coaches build authority, influence, and status?
How do we help coaches build their practice?
Perhaps it’s,
How do we help coaches find their Elvis?
If you already know the answers then better questions are helpful.
Coach Centric Action-Based Learning
For coaches working in the sports and physical activity space:
There has been a subtle but significant shift at Coach Camp. The prompt “What do you want to talk about at Coach Camp?” has changed to “What are you working on now?”
Some folks might find the change a little challenging. After all, it’s a question that puts the spotlight on the creator. “What are YOU working on now?”
It’s a shift from passive to active, outside to inside, from talking to action. The coach is now at the centre – Coach Centric.
What about “Affirm” and “Challenge”? Isn’t that what we do as coaches? And if so, leading with a challenge puts us out of order.
No question the order in which we do things matters. Run, walk, crawl is not the same as crawl, walk, run. To affirm is to understand, the first step in any system or relationship building, a chance to “Get to the beat.”
There is an important question that comes from systems thinking: How did we get here?
Konstantin Stanislavski, a renowned theatre practitioner famed for creating engaging characters on stage, offered these three questions to his actors:
Who am I?
What just happened?
What do I want?
My hunch is that if you ask any coach what their coaching is for, you will get a whole host of answers. Some of which have nothing to do with coaching and everything to do with community, belonging, and status. Are we even talking about coaching or some other unmet need?
Coach education is based on the assumption that people understand what a coach does. My argument is they don’t. I had no idea; I thought being an expert was the same as being a coach.
“What are you working on now” is a question for coaches, not of coaches. If the task is to build a community of creative coaches, then the skill is to build an environment in which coaches are affirmed and then challenged. For some, yes, it’s going to feel like a challenge because it’s new, but for others, it’s their time to share what they are working on now.
Coach Camp doesn’t have the answers to Coach Development but it does have some of the questions. A shift towards action and learning through assessment—is what I’m trying to do going to work?
If this reconsideration of coach education and assessment sounds cumbersome, time-consuming, and idealistic, it is. Communities of practice that support people in finding and developing meaning within their roles don’t appear overnight.
And the payoff?
Open, curious, and ready to learn.
But risky, no! Talk of compliance, safety, and safeguarding are design features of any workforce development, not inhibitors of change. The principles of service, decency, and public life are prerequisites.
We can either match the skills to a task that we are working to understand or match the skills to a role we assume we understand – the choice is ours.
We don’t have the time!
I sat in on a coach education meeting yesterday, and the cry went up, “We don’t have the time!”
Ok, I could go on about priorities and lack of focus, and maybe that’s true.
But there is something else going on;
Sal Khan has taught us that traditional education is constrained by time, not mastery, and therefore feeling like you don’t have time is as much about systems as it is about personal effectiveness.
Learning is about challenging our assumptions, and time is one of them.
Terms and conditions
Today I learned there are three types of learning assessments:
Assessment of learning – at some point we have all sat in a large hall, hoping the questions we have studied are on the test.
Assessment for learning – who hasn’t sat there thinking “Please don’t ask me!”
Assessment as learning – self-reflection and iteration are important skills here – “I can do better than that!“
I’m willing to bet that the one you now rely on to figure things out is the one you used least as a kid.
Turning Pro
When sports became professional, their status changed. Those who remained amateur were different from those who made money. And over time the gulf between the haves and the have-nots has grown.
People with pensions, salaries, and holidays talk to those who take time off work, away from their families, and with little recognition about how they can do better. Better, not in the monetary sense but in the metrics of engagement, diversity, and performance. Unsurprisingly, it’s not going well.
Exploiting commercial interests at the same time as nurturing social value in the community is a dance that few get right. If you can’t do the conga I don’t want to watch you try to waltz. It’s time to split the commercial from the social and ensure we do both right.
Highlight reel
There is a project in the offing, and a friend of mine has asked for my CV. “Just give me your top 5 successes and failures. The committee wants someone they know, and I want to make them another offer, a different perspective.”
I checked my CV: it is full of highlights – things I’ve done (that have worked out) – and the time I’ve done them.
The idea is to show that each time I throw the dice I get a 6 – show the success, and make the failures invisible.
If you have ever thrown a dice you will know that although possible throwing a 6 consistently over time is unlikely to happen. Life is not a game with 6 sides and even if it was I still don’t like the odds. A CV of failures might just be the best indicator yet that the person in front of you shows up.
The rest well, just don’t confuse skill with luck.
What are we avoiding?
When progress is slow, frustration is high and tasks are plentiful this might be the question for you.
Don’t look for it
Retiring cycling legend Mark Cavendish once said “Don’t look for the effort, let it find you.”
Some hide from the effort for fear it will hurt, and you can’t argue with that. Others race towards it because that’s what you are supposed to do, right? But the more experienced amongst us, whether it’s writers, elite athletes or entrepreneurs wait.
We sit at our desks, work out at the track, and develop our strategy because we know it’s coming, and when we are ready, it will find us.
What are we doing here?
According to Prof Brian Cox, there is only one philosophical question worth asking: “What does it mean to live a finite fragile life in an infinite, eternal universe?”
If you can’t get your head around being stood on this ball of cheese, we call the world, hurtling around a star, there is still value in this question at a much simpler level.
Stood on the side of a football pitch for example, or, at your child’s recital.
What am I doing here? You might be surprised at the answer. I’m willing to bet it won’t have anything to do with what’s in the news, on a spreadsheet, or what was bothering you this morning.
The feedback trap
Looking for feedback when you really want permission is a trap. You don’t want to get it wrong, so you ask for feedback. Yet, the chances are someone, just like you, has already done the thing you are doing.
All you are doing is trying not to fail.
Waiting for feedback instead of people saying “no” is the perfect place to hide.
Just in case pocket
Both my kids have them – full of things like hairbands, money, brushes, toys and so much more – just in case.
It’s one of my favourite things to ask on a walk:
“What’s in your just-in-case pocket?”
Choose Your Model, Choose Your Future
It makes sense to set up a coach education business to make money; after all, it’s a business, and the point of running a business is to make money and educate coaches.
The lens is simple enough: Will this make us money and educate coaches?
The alternative is to educate coaches and hope the business makes money.
But there is another way where hope is replaced with practice design using bootstrapping principles, scaling only when successful and deemed necessary. Decisions are taken using the simple prompt; Who is this benefiting?
“Centric” means to be at the centre. When there is nothing else to do but focus on the centre, whatever that may be, then you are “centric”. At the heart of all that matters.
I once ran a boxing event company turning “contenders” into “boxers.” We put the student at the centre of everything we did, and when we did that, it changed what we did. With no clue about boxing, I had no choice but to shift from being an expert, controlling what I thought should happen, to focusing on the experience I wanted to provide, and what could happen.
Recurring certifications make sense when a Coach Education company is run as a business. But when the coach is at the centre of the experience, matching the solution to the problem makes more sense. What matters to the coach, is unlikely to matter to the business, unless it’s designed that way.
Coach-centric coach education will feel chaotic, uncertain, and difficult to manage. After all income streams from certification, events, and resources are a proven business model. But so, are customer-centric businesses like CD Baby created by Derek Sivers and written about in “Anything You Want; 40 Lessons For a New Kind of Entrepreneur.”
Using design principles that create an environment that is agile and responsive to the user experience a coach-centric business is modeling the very behaviour we are teaching.
What does success look like?
Active Users: In a flip of the model used by coach education companies in this model the resources are created collaboratively by the participants themselves, with the educator acting as a facilitator. Any resources created are shared with those who are also actively seeking solutions but would prefer to be told what to do.
Ultimately, success is defined by the degree to which the coaches feel empowered, supported, and able to address their real-world challenges through this collaborative process – not by traditional business metrics.
A thriving community of engaged, “active users” is the primary goal. And if that sounds like a tough business metric, it is. But, that might just be the point.
Watch what people do not what they say.
Check and challenge
Accepting someone else’s answer when you don’t feel smart might feel like the way to go.
A more generous approach is to ask a question.
You learn a little bit more about where the answer came from and just how useful that answer might be.
Surprise yourself – you might have the smarts after all.
Don’t be silly
You could wait until you have more information – the idea looks a little smarter. Or better still, when you think you know the answer.
That could be less about the confidence you have to commit to the idea and more about the confidence you have in yourself. Better plans and a greater understanding of projects and systems are all helpful, but so is being wrong.
How do we do things around here?
It’s better to know than assume but it’s quicker to assume than know – no, because when we assume, we already think we know.
It’s worth the ask.
Don’t settle
Speak up but don’t settle.
Win, but not at any cost.
Know the cost of losing.
Just don’t sell out.
What do you do with it?
The information you have – what do you do with it?
Share it?
Hide it?
Display it?
Find it?
The Human Library is brilliant, unconferences can be surprising, and workshops are a great place to build something new.
What do you do with the information you have lost or newly found?
I request to work with you
Tom Bennett will tell you that classroom routines, responses, and relationships are important.
The clearest example is a martial arts student and a sensei bowing out of mutual respect, with the student saying “Onegaishimasu” – meaning “I request to work with you.”
What a difference a dream makes
At home, we are tidying up a room to allow me to easily produce content without having to rearrange the space each time.
The room has been tidied countless times before but this time it’s different. This time, we can see it. We could see a tidy room before but not like this. Now you walk in and there is a calmness, a sense of order and purpose.
A reminder to me, at least, that when we can all see what the dream looks like, it’s different. Same people, same application of effort, different outcome.
The Armadillo Problem
Confident on the outside, not so confident on the inside.
Coach education is hard, it’s hard because the Armadillo problem is real. Telling people what to do is not nearly as helpful as showing people what they can do. Yet, discovery is not on the agenda when the agenda is: “Tell me what to do without showing the others I don’t know what to do.”
I’ve just built a new coach education experience by showing the group that no one knows what to do until we figure it out. I’ll let you know how it goes.
Curious about tomorrow
Being curious about tomorrow brings us ideas and suggestions, plans and strategies – and while that’s helpful, it’s also a trap. The cyclist in Boccioni’s Dynamism of a Cyclist is recognisable in draft, but the movement, and energy obscure their form in future iterations. The origin of action, of course, is in the present – now, not sometime later.
Stand still but don’t stop
I’m writing a new coach education experience, and I’ve come to see the beauty in returning to the start and seeing it as if it is for the first time. Through knowledge and understanding, we get to work with what we know to create new ways of doing – returning each time to not stop but to stand still.
“We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.” TS Eliot.
Who do you work for?
“Learn to work without applause,” Ernest Hemingway once said.
Whether you are writing a book, creating a course, or building an event such as Coach Camp, your mind will inevitably turn to what success and failure will look like.
How many people will turn up to your event or buy your book? What will you do if it doesn’t work out?
The opportunity cost of practice is to put aside the outcome and focus: focus on telling a good story, developing tension for the learner, or facilitating a space where coaches learn to have better conversations.
This is hard because others will have their own ideas about what success and failure will look like. And that matters, it matters because you might be in the business of keeping everyone happy, but it also matters because when we change what we pay attention to, it changes what we do.
Are you working for yourself or the attention of others?
Culture Club
The easiest way to think about culture is through fractal design – how you do anything is how you do everything.
If not, it’s not embedded and is therefore not culture.
Coach Camp III
That’s a wrap! Thank you to those who attended. Here is a word cloud comprised of words used to answer the question: What did you like about Coach Camp.
You can sign up for updates and news of the latest events here.

Distinctions matter
In youth athletes, using competition for development is not the same as assuming competition will develop players.
Imaginary problems that feel real
Is the problem you face real or imaginary?
I’ve sat through enough studies and opinion polls to realise it’s a question worth asking.
Imaginary problems feel real – and that’s the problem.
Why are 80%* of physiotherapists podcasters men?
Recognising that an imaginary problem feels real is the first step to a better conversation about what’s actually holding us back.
*Made up statistic based on a rant I once sat through.
Make an offer
Put one foot in front of the other. It’s how we move forward when we are tired, broke, or overwhelmed. It’s as obvious as it is helpful.
Last week was one such occasion. The fog was thick and it had come down fast – I just couldn’t see a way forward. My writing felt pointless.
But then I read a line from To Kill A Mockingbird to remove the adjectives and keep the facts: I was doing it. Good or bad, I was making an offer – I like to think I’m working something out unconsciously in my head, and maybe that’s true but even if it’s not I’m doing it.
Learning to put one foot in front of the other – one foot at a time is a skill and it’s one worth having.
What does success look like?
Let’s say you are launching a new coach initiative.
What does success look like?
What is the change you seek?
Success could be lots of people attending the launch meetings. It could be clubs or organisations taking on the initiative in the early days of heavy promotion and interaction.
But, the change you seek?
What will it look like in 6 months from now when the fuss has died down?
How about 3 years from now?
Getting off to a good start is helpful, but so too is the stuff that happens when you aren’t looking. Who is going to carry the baton is way more important than how many turned up on the first night.
What are you paying attention to and how is that going to help you in the long run? Pass it on.
What do you need to know?
It’s worth considering if you need to know more about your chosen field of expertise, or if you need to learn how to get people who work in your field to connect, interact, and grow together.
Building a Community of Practice: A New Approach to Grassroots Coaching.
If you are a coach in grassroots sports this opportunity is for you:
A friend of mine attends a weekly meeting. When the developer speaks everyone listens; the same is true of the Sales Director. However, when the person who answers the customer queries speaks up, others dismiss their ideas.
Maybe what you have to say doesn’t matter if the boss doesn’t like it.
But that doesn’t matter in grassroots sports because you don’t have a boss. There are hardly ever any meetings. And just because the kids run around like lunatics, parents are busy, and the committee has better things to do, that doesn’t mean that……oh wait a minute.
No one is listening.
The term “grassroots” means to gather people at a local level to create change at a national level. Oddly, sports organisations structure things the opposite way – starting at the national level to create change at a local level. It’s easy to think that how we organise sports is out of order.
But there is a solution, and the boss – if you had one – probably wouldn’t like it: it’s called a Community of Practice (CoP).
To understand the difference between a project team or a task force and a community of practice, it helps to think about the task.
If you organise to the task, that’s a project – let’s say you are planning on putting up a new clubhouse. Once all the jobs are handed out and the clubhouse is up, that’s it, it’s done.
A community of practice, on the other hand, views the task based on its value. If the task has value, you stay on the task and practice. If not, you move on.
Being a good coach is about practice, yet formal coach education places the value on completion, not practice. It’s less about a lifetime of learning and more about getting the job done. So, how do you find the task that brings the most value to your coaching practice? What wall do you lean your ladder up against?
In a community of practice, you won’t all be wearing the same colour polo shirt, and the boss won’t have called the meeting. That’s on you. In fact, the community of practice “finds the energy” in the room and set the agenda, not the people at the top.
And that’s the opportunity that a community of practice offers grassroots coaches. Coach education shifts to what the coach needs, not what the sport or organisation thinks we want. Those who lead now serve, and those who have learned to follow, learn to lead.
Here’s what to look for in a community of practice:
- Find the Energy: Find the energy, find the subject. A community of practice is organised around a subject that inspires practice.
- Find the Others: If your boss wants you to practice, it’s not a community, that’s a condition. On the other hand, if you choose to practice, it pays to think about the community with which you practice.
- Adopt the Behaviour: People like us do things like this. If it works, adopt it; if it doesn’t, you might be in the right place to work it out and change the culture.
In an ideal world, you already know the subject that brings the energy for you. But, that’s not often the case, and if you are anything like me, I could pick a few subjects to go deep on. So let’s take a look at what it takes.
Let your feet do the talking. The rule of two feet states “If at any time you find yourself in a situation where you are neither learning nor contributing – use your two feet and move to someplace more to your liking.”
The key to a community of practice is permission. People have to turn up off their own backs, not because it’s their job or the boss has told them but because they believe in what is happening in the room. It’s the one rule that, if broken, sees the mislabelling of a task force or a project group as a community of practice.
I can tell you that I started Coach Camp not because I was ready to start a community of practice but because there was nowhere for me to go and talk about what I was working on. So I built it. And in building Coach Camp I realised that there was something way more powerful at play.
Think back to the customer service rep at a work meeting. In speaking up on behalf of the clients, they are learning to speak up for what they believe in. When we believe in something bigger than us, it rubs off.
“This is not my final answer” is the mantra of Coach Camp, because it’s a place where people accept your first answer not as your final answer but as a place to start. It’s also a place of practice. A place to build connections, ask about what other people are working on, and share what you have seen that interests you.
There is no rush to find a subject that inspires, guides, and binds you to others, but there is a need to practice.
Finding a group of people, a community, willing to practice and interact is necessary. It’s also possible provided you are ready to do things a little differently. Vicki Pozzebon, of Prospera Partners, put a group of local farmers and chefs into a room to talk about how they could solve each other’s problems. After a little nurturing, the result was a new way of working that improved the supply chain.
Could you sit around a table with a cricket coach, a squash coach, and a group of junior school teachers to talk about helping kids hit, throw, and catch a ball?
Ideas spread fast when birds of a feather flock together, and that’s one of the strengths of homogeneous groups, but its weakness is the stagnation of ideas. Not so in groups that are diverse and inclusive, only common ground is difficult to come by and communication can be slow. That’s the challenge -using both convergent and divergent thinking to solve the problems of the day.
And that’s really what a community of practice is; an exchange of information across a newly formed group based on necessity. At the heart of a community of practice is the unavoidable need to do something. A desire to see new groups and new dynamics created as old and tired power dynamics are broken down.
New information creates new norms. Now, people like us do things like this. Only this time, people like us are chefs, growers, and consumers united by a new and shared repertoire.
The dictionary defines repertoire as “A range of things that we can do.” If you’re ready to develop, share, and create a new range of things you can do, then perhaps you will consider joining or creating a community of practice. I don’t need to describe the alternative; you already know what this looks like.
The choice is yours.
“Luck is not going my way at the moment, but that can change.”
If feeling downtrodden is a tactic to make you believe that good luck is on the way, it’s a terrible move.
Luck turns up not becuase we want it to, but because, well, it’s luck.
Learn to live without it if you can.
No one has ever asked me that
You may get to the top of your profession without anyone asking you if you are any good. And that sounds absurd. But aside from some diligent form-filling, a tub-thumping speech at a high-profile conference, and the ability to get along with your colleagues, it’s entirely possible that no one has ever asked you “Are you any good at your job?”
No one has ever asked me if I’m any good at coaching? A few people have challenged my technical knowledge but never my thinking or my behaviours. Interesting, don’t you think?
Rather than waiting to be asked, maybe it’s time we started asking ourselves.
Clock watching
To those who clock watch, a pet hate of mine:
The challenge is not to manage our time but to manage ourselves, we optimise to within an inch of our lives and often to the detriment of our relationships.
Own Goal
An OG; the stuff of nightmares, a goal in the wrong net,
One would do well to avoid such an obvious failure.
And yet, nearly every OG is from someone who dares to try.
Until you learn to look, you may miss the player who hides and avoids putting themself in a place where they might fail; understanding our relationship with success and failure matters.
Back to work
A friend of mine must return to the office 3 days a week. It’s easy to confuse a return to the office with a return to work. But that’s missing the point.
And to prove the point, this week, after a change in working patterns unrelated to a return to the office, productivity soared.
The reason? The team created extended periods of uninterrupted focussed work. Team members field inquiries, calls, and interruptions from colleagues on rotation, leaving the rest of the team to do the work.
Going to work is not the same as going to the office. Going to work is about setting the conditions to do the work, and if that’s in the office then great, but don’t confuse the two.
Snorkeling is not scuba diving
Much like a task force or project group is not a Community of Practice (CoP).
The key to a CoP is permission. People have to turn up off their own backs, not becuase it’s their job or the boss has told them but because they believe in what is happening in the room.
It’s the number one rule that, if broken, sees the mislabelling of a task force or a project group as a CoP.
The reason you go deeper when you scuba dive is because it’s designed that way.
I’m delighted to say we have several returners for Coach Camp III – I hope to see you there.
Busy fool
What does that even mean?
Are you busy and therefore a fool? Or did your foolishness lead to you being busy. And if that is true, why give the fool all the tasks? Who does that?
Best idea wins
Easy to understand but often difficult to accept.
Grateful to those reading the next draft of my book.
Here’s to the best idea winning.
Playing the fool
The fool might play the audience, develop the joke, and eventually figure out how to get the laugh.
But that’s not playing the fool, that’s reserved for those who confuse luck with skill and compliance with caring.
Conditions of Practice (CoP)
It’s clear that if the boss wants you to practice it’s not a community of practice but rather a condition.
On the other hand, if you choose to practice, it pays to think about the community with which you practice.
Knowing makes all the difference.
We have a date for Coach Camp III, I hope to see you there.
Mission Fitness
We might think the mission is to run 5k, get a flat stomach, or return from a knee injury, but is it not just practice?
If you organise to complete the task that’s a mission. However, if you organise around the task, then that’s practice.
How many times do we complete a few mobility, stability, and strengthening exercises, see some improvement, and then think, that’s enough of that?
“I’m on a mission, with no time to lose.”
The alternative is to think of what we do as practice:
“Where’s the value in what I am doing, and what can I carry forward?”
Being on a mission and creating urgency in the offer might just be confusing many into believing that the value of taking care of oneself lies in the outcome, not the practice itself.
I’ve noticed
“Why are you always on your phone” to “I notice you are always on your phone” is a powerful switch.
Furious replaced by curious.
What can you do to move forward (or backwards, sideway or round and around)?
Take away the kit, and resources but leave yourself with time. What small step could you make that would leave you better prepared when the opportunity or need arises? Hmmm!
I’ve stopped my gym membership for a month – no kit, just me, myself, and I. Once, the jitters passed, the opportunity presented itself: Move better – use your body weight and explore.
I’ve come to see external load (weight moved) not as an end goal – how much can I lift? – but as an opportunity for feedback using a different constraint.