What if making decisions on time and money, which might feel hard and impossible to get to grips with, was actually the nursery slopes of decision making?
Wouldn’t that be handy? Because what you learn about yourself on the nursery slopes you can apply to your actual work.
Since time and money are resources and often confused for work, or worth, you then give yourself the space to get on with creative work that really matters to you.
Defining our relationship with time and money, gives us control, regardless of how much or how little we have. Fail to define it, and it will control you.
My father lost his dad at a young age, I grew up in relative abundance. Lin’s mother told never to talk about money with anyone. I never cared much about money, since I could always go and get more of it tomorrow. Lins hid her bills from me for years.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb in the book Anti Fragile defines “F*** you money” as “a sum large enough to get most, if not all, of the advantages of wealth (the most important one being independence and the ability to only occupy your mind with matters that interest you) but not its side effects, such as having to attend a black-tie charity event.”
Let’s switch out “F*** you money” for the term Enough. Not enough and life can feel like a struggle, enough and you get advantages of wealth, but without its side effects. Your own personal financial sweet spot.
Defining enough, changed the course of my life. It helped me see my relationship with money and then redefine it. Bringing my values to life, to share them with my kids, meant I needed to let go of them and play.
Here are the prompts that we brainstormed individually and then came together to discuss as a family.
What do we believe money is for?
What do we want to achieve with money?
How do we want to treat money?
What is important to us when it comes to money?
And here is how we are bringing it to life. One imperfect step at a time.

Make rules about money, play with them and edit them until successful. You can always change your mind. What is important is that you decide. Think of it as good practise. A reversible life decision.
For now at least. Definition of terms:
Enough is the amount of money to live simply
Emergency money is 6 x Enough and 40% of all money above Enough until we have enough.
Fun money is 30% of all money above Enough and can be spent without judgement
Legacy money is 30% of all money above Enough and is for our kids to have enough to make mistakes but not enough to do nothing.
I hope it serves you.