What if making a plan for the best year ever was not the point? After all, we make plans, and god laughs. So, why plan?
As a family, we thought it worth the ask.
For reference, our headings are:
- Financial
- Family
- Health
- Business
- Fun/Adventure
- Contribution
Each of us wrote whatever we wanted under each heading.
Then, we used generative questions (you can see them scattered across the sheet) that the kids researched and a separate piece of paper to find links and themes between the headings. Out of that fell a plan.
You are probably already there, but it’s not actually about hoping for, wishing for, or planning the best year ever—the surface details don’t matter as much as the chance to connect to each other’s thinking, connect ideas, and learn to listen to each other. It’s a metaphor for learning to collaborate—and in turn, if we do that, just maybe, we will have the best year ever.